Diagnosed & Prevention

Developmental Disability

Identifing the Nature of Autism

Its very sad that No Diagnosing test and Cure is available to treat with autism. The behavior and developmental history of a child  determine the symptoms of ASD.



ASD can occasionally be identified in children as young as 18 months. By the age of two, a qualified professional’s diagnosis can be trusted. Some patients don’t receive a diagnosis until they are teenagers or adults. People in those cases may not receive the early assistance they require as a result of this delay.

Developmental Monitoring

Regular Developmental observation is a observation of kids normal behavior and daily activities, supporting meetings about a child’s abilities and skills between parents and providers. Developmental monitoring entails keeping an eye on your child’s growth and determining whether they have attained the regular developmental milestones, or abilities, in areas like playing, learning, speaking, acting, and moving that most kids do by a given age.



Developmental observation can be done by their parents, grandparents, early childhood educators, and other carers. If you monitor any development disability please take your child to a specialist for a checkup. In order to determine whether your child is growing and hitting developmental milestones, the doctor or nurse may ask you questions related to your child’s progress or interact with him or her while playing. Always be honest and provide them the complete details what you observed can be behind the condition of your child, it may be your personal health issues, family background, child injury or something else. All your details can help you and your doctor you understand and deal with your child.


Child Care & Treatment options


However, autism may be addressed, and therapies can help kids with their language and social abilities. If your kid has been diagnosed with autism, consult with specialists about developing a treatment plan. Remember that you might need to attempt a few different therapies before deciding which combination of therapy would work best for your child.